Reporting from the University of Alabama’s spring practice, where all eyes are on freshman quarterback Jalen Milroe… no, wait, it’s actually Tyler Russell, the Crimson Tide’s newest recruit, who’s been making waves with his impressive physical transformation.
Russell has bulked up from 175 pounds to 192 pounds since his initial signing, and coach DeBoer can’t help but notice the difference. “_He looks good right now_,” DeBoer says. “_Strong and moves around. He’s just a good all-around athlete._”
DeBoer emphasizes the importance of the weight program for new recruits, saying, “_The weight program, certainly for any new guy, is going to be critical. It’s good to get that first phase under your belt._”
(Russell’s highlights from high school appear on screen)
As the first quarterback DeBoer has recruited to Alabama, Russell has big shoes to fill. But DeBoer is impressed with what he’s seen so far, saying, “_He’s got a long way to go, because I think that’s the way he looks at it. He’s excited about what this growth’s going to be, even during this spring._”
DeBoer continues, “_His ceiling, and what he accomplished through what you can see on the high school film, he’s a pretty elite quarterback coming in as a high school season, current freshman for us._”
It’s clear that Russell is a talent to watch, and we’ll be keeping a close eye on his progress throughout the spring practice. That’s all for now. Back to you in the studio.